Laced up in my ASICS GT-2170s I hit the road this weekend not to compete in the GoodLife Victoria (BC, Canada Marathon), but rather to run my-marathon which turned out to be a 3 hour 36 min, 43km run; a great milestone on the road to something much grander.
The journey started out much different than it has in past efforts, this time I was prepared. To ensure I had enough hydration and nutrients, the night before I packed 40 oz of water, a gel pack and a cliff bar and had on standby the same items for restocking during the run. In addition, I prepared a jai seed pre-workout blend which included:
1/2 tbsp maca
1/2 tbsp hemp seed
1/2 tbsp flax oil
1/2 tbsp flax seeds
1/2 tbsp chia seeds
1 medium organic kale leaves
1 banana
1/2 cup of frozen mango slices
1/2 cup of coconut water
1/2 cup of orange juice
1 cups of water
Rising at 6:00 am I started my morning with my pre-workout blend. With this downed and the sun starting to rise, I headed off on a familiar route which included a 17.5 km loop repeated twice followed by a smaller 8 km route for a total of 43 km. The goal was to keep relatively close to home in cellular range in case things did not work out in my favour.
As the run began, I made a conscious decision to consume water every 2.5 km in order to stay hydrated. At the 10 km mark I drank the gel pack and continued on to my first refuel point at 17.5 km. The run to this point was as amazing as it has been in previous < 30 km runs. The key has been to ensure that my heart rate was steady and my breathing untaxed, meaning I was running for the long-haul not a 10 km sprint. At the refuelling point, I consumed the cliff bar and grabbed another 40 oz of water, another gel pack and cliff bar and added it to my pack. Off running again, I continued to consume water every 2.5 km and at kilometre 27 ate another cliff bar. The next 8 km to the refuel point (at 35 km) were excellent as they were in the first 17.5 km. At 35 km I consumed the final gel pack and continued to consume water every 2.5 km to the finish at 43 km.
The final leg was not so "excellent" though. My mind, breath and upper body were feeling excellent, but at kilometre 39 my legs began to tire. Carrying on to 41 km was still good and then it hit, my legs decided that running was no longer an option and I began to walk for about 3 minutes until I decided that this was ridiculous, not what I was out here for and began running again. With mind over matter I completed my 43 km and felt great about this accomplishment.
The success of this journey has been my training up to this point, but I also believe that both hydration and nutrients played a key roll in my endurance. All the changes and adjustments that I have made over the past several months by reading ultra marathon and ultra-man books is paying off. That said, I do realize that the above approach may not be perfect and as I continue running it will evolve.
10 hours later, I am still feeling great, my legs are not tired or sore and I am certain that tonight will be a great recovery sleep. With this milestone accomplished and my sights set on a larger goal, my training continues.
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